Sometimes I think about writing in my blog and then I realize that I should be working on 32341208 other things. Well, I've neglected it for more than a month, but here's what's goin' on.
I have almost officially lost 10 lbs! I have been working really hard and eating really well - so pretty soon I will be able to reward myself with the tanning I have been on my way toward earning for myself. In other news, I just found out that I won a $50 bank card! I also won a free 3 month furniture rental from CORT (they rent furniture out). I'll use it for a mini-model at Mirabel - which will be wonderful!
I will be leaving for San Francisco on Saturday at 6am - only 5 days! I am PUMPED!!
Ronnie's phone was chomped by Thor, so we can now only text each other or I can try and call him before 10ish on his house phone. :( At least I will see him for a bit on Friday!!
As soon as I get back from SF, I will be trying on bridesmaid dresses for Kate's wedding in August. I feel really honored to be a part of it! Plus, we're all going to a girly lunch afterward!
Also, here is a plug for Kabir's video for a 5 Hour Energy video contest: Vote!
Finally, here are some items I would like to add to my bucket list:
-Be in the audience for a taping of Judge Judy
-Go on a cruise
-Go to a drive-in movie
-Subscribe to the Gameshow Network
-Subscribe to Nat Geo and at least three other worthy magazines (suggestions welcome)
That's it for now!