Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One step closer to graduation!

Today I signed up for classes for my final semester an undergrad! I only have two required Anthropology courses left to take and then a three credit Anthropology course of my choice. I am still waiting on my credit for my field school and elective credit to come through from this summer, which makes me nervous. I'm still counting on those six credits so that I don't have to take any more Anthro than I have to! I secretly dislike the major because it is so hard to find courses that actually interest me here at UW. Many of them are about American Indians and South American archaeology, which is really not my thing. Anyway, here is what I'm taking:

*Anthro 322 - Required - Origins of Civilization: Global archaeological survey of the origins of pristine civilizations beginning with the development of food production and ending with the emergence of the world's first civilizations. Focus of attention: Near East, Egypt, the Indus Valley, North China, Mesoamerica, and Peru.

*Anthro 490 - Required - Seminar: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: No official course description, but I am very sure that it will be about Indians. :(

*Anthro 696 - Archaeological Methods of Curation: Practicum in the curation of prehistoric stone, bone, and ceramics. Involves handling materials, identification of artifacts, conservation techinques, preparation of materials for storage or display.

*Latin 204 - Introduction to Latin Literature: Translation of easy prose; analysis of English derivatives.

*Physical Education 132 - Weight Training: Basic knowledge and principles relevant to physiology of strength, power, and muscle endurance considered to achieve specific goals. Specialization permitted after eight weeks of program.

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