Thursday, September 25, 2008


Nothing much going on - just school. Actually I missed an archaeology discussion today. Oops. So now I have to make it up - which means going to the only discussion left this week: Friday at 7:45 am. Nice and early. Oh well.

I kind of want to go to a Brewer's game before their season is done. Which means less than a week. I don't think it's going to happen, but it would have been nice to go.

I'm excited to go home! On Saturday or Sunday my parents and I are going white bass fishing in Oshkosh. I haven't been there in a year, so it'll be fun but perhaps chilly. The weather in Madison lately has been absolutely incredible - I even wore a skirt today! Of course, wearing a skirt meant that I couldn't ride my bike and thus I took the bus. The thought of the slow trudge to class is difficult to bear. Taking the bus was not conducive to arriving on time to class, but it was worth not having to leave fifteen minutes earlier.

I got two of my movies in the mail today! I watched Gladiator already, but I'm saving Troy for either this weekend or next. mmmm Brad Pitt and his sexy abs....

Anyway, we facebooked our upstairs neighbors tonight and found out that they're all football players! The first thing I thought of was hearing Gabe having relations freshman year right above me. Ridic.

Tonight I watched the first episode of Survivor: Gabon. It was just okay - I used to really get into Survivor when I was in high school, but I'm really sick of all the drama. Speaking of, Grey's was on afterward and there's too much drama for me to bother watching it.

Sorry for being so uninteresting. There's just not much going on right now - though I do have four exams next week so the posts may become even more dry.

Did you know there's no way to say "yes" in Latin? It can be implied, but one can never just say "yes."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just foolin around

I found these ridiculous sites.

Check them out.

Pick the biggest size and most activity....creepy but so ridiculously funny, it's okay:


Just plain hilarious:

Monday, September 22, 2008

All work and no play...

...accurately describes my weekend. All I did was study. I really mean it. I read five chapters in Biological Anthropology and caught up in my Troy class. I did go to Liz's soccer game which was oddly reminiscent of my younger high school days. I remember sitting on the soccer bench with Ronnie and not getting yelled at. I love those memories.

I decided to finally clean my room. It's about 87% clean.

I linked my blog to facebook and decided to take it off - my blog isn't private, but I don't want random acquaintances able to read it via facebook. Creepy.

Speaking of facebook, the new facebook design is lame. I'm not angry enough to join a group and sign a petition. After months of development, the "new" facebook isn't going anywhere, and I'm sure the developers are proud of their work. Humans are just resistant to change, and admitedly the older design was much more user friendly. And Firefox 3.0...I have similar feelings toward this update as well. I really don't like it and I'm still figuring out how to get things to download since FF links with Windows and your personal security features. While I'm ranting about updates, I also hate the new iTunes update. Why does it keep syncing my songs onto my ipod, even though they're old? I've synced it twice tonight and both times it took like ten minutes. Lame. All I wanted to do was add one new song to my ipod since my laptop's sound is currently not functioning.

I'm so confused. Recently I've received a lot of attention from guys and it's killing me. Sure, I like the attention, but I really don't want to date anyone else right now. I guess that after feeling bad about myself for putting on weight since college, it's nice to know that people find me attractive. So it goes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

No angles!

So Cait seemed quite distraught over the setup of our living room, so she brainstormed a ton of layouts (okay, like three) and Beth and I vetoed the ones with angled furniture since we've been there, done that, and it has not been so hot. But she did it - she came up with a gorgeous layout and we switched to it today. I'm bored enough that I'm actually going to pause and draw a picture for you to see exactly how wonderful the new setup is. Brb.

Okay, that took about 40 minutes since I had to use Paint. Here it is:

Moving on, I just discovered that Starbucks carries oatmeal now. Interesting.

I'm hungry but I'm all out of nugs. And mashed potatoes? None really compare to the frozen Ore Ida Steam and Mash Potatoes which I am out of, so cannot eat. After finishing this post and reviewing it, I noticed that I kind of left the resolution out of this predicament. I have decided to eat two cheese and pretzel dippers and see how it goes. Then I'll move on to trail mix. mmm trail mix.

Today I volunteered at the WPTV pledge drive. Fortunately, Wisconsin Public Television is housed right on campus at Vilas Hall. It was a really enjoyable four hour shift: they provide you with snacks and juice and soda (!) and magazines so that it goes by pretty fast. We weren't live, so at six designated times we had to go to the phones because that was when WPTV interrupted their normal programs to advertise the pledge drive and advertise the gifts that are available. Kelly ended up winning a WPTV waterbottle, but she knew how much I wanted it and gave it to me. It was really nice of her, and it worked out well since my current Nalgenes don't fit in the waterbottle holder on my bike and regular water bottles are too tiny. I really like PBS. I wish more people gave it a chance. NOVA Science Now is sweet. Check it out.

I don't know about APO this semester - I'm already finding myself with a lot on my plate. It was mentioned at the officer's meeting we had this evening that we should have an APO sleepover. Sounds fun, right? Could be - but my apartment was mentioned as a potential host. Wouldn't that be fun - a bunch of APO going home with bed bug bites? lol how terrible! oh well, so it goes.

My bonsai tree is growing nicely. My banana plant is too! It's actually a Croton "superstar" but it reminds me of bananas. The center of the leaf outgrows the actual leaf resulting in little yellow string-things sticking out from the leaves. I love it! Right now mine plants are stalky but that's okay since they are supposed to end up fuller. Having something to take care of is really nice :)

My blog has had 613 views since its inception. Crazy. Where is everybody?? I truly thought that it was basically me and a few close friends reading this - I mean a very few. Creepy...but cool.

Well, I should probably get around to my homework. Amo rosas.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our tv needs an antenna to work :(

Nothing too new going on. I'm going to UHS tomorrow at 8:50 am to get another prescription of predisone. Fun stuff. It'll help the itchies.

Today I went to Elyse's and had a wonderful dinner! We had pineapple, mashed potatoes, and nugs. Could it have been better? I think not; we even managed to do Latin homework together!

There are so many parties this weekend that I find myself overwhelmed. I'm definitely going to the APO rush party, but I might (and want) to head over to KHK's CEOs and Administrative Assistants party. Ridic.

Sometimes it makes me sad that our building doesn't recycle. I don't know how it isn't illegal.

I ate at Sbarro today inside of Lucky. I don't know how to feel about it yet. I'm very loyal to JSM and almost feel like I'm betraying them by eating at a property that rents from Steve Brown Apts. On the other hand, I don't know of any Steve Brown employees that avoid Toppers because they rent from JSM. But being inside Lucky still feels wrong. But paying $600/month to SHARE a room is wrong.

I friended one of my TAs today. I had her freshman year and she was my first classics TA ever. I hope she agrees to be my friend!

I'm tired of bed bugs. I'm tired of their bites and thinking that everyone and their uncle has them. I have friends of friends who think they got them from us. I'm kind of tired of it :/

Today is Trent's 21st birthday. I wonder what he got! lol that was naughty.

We have to buy an antenna for each of our tvs it seems. For now, the one in the living room has bunny ears and it works, but mine doesn't work. Habeo lacrimas!

That's it. Maybe Ronnie will call me. Maybe.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School so far...

I'm really glad that school finally started....I think I'd be bored out of my mind if it hadn't finally begun. Well, the first week of classes is over and this begins the second fun-filled week. I decided not to make any future semesters difficult, and aim for the Dean's List. I'm only taking 13 credits and most of my classes are into-level. Here's my schedule (including work):
My favorite class so far is Latin. Having had Greek, it's a breeze. It's easier than Greek because it uses the same grammar as Greek, but the vocabulary is stippled with cognates and words that are identical to Spanish words (eg. casa - house). I know it'll get harder, but for now, it's rather enjoyable and by far my favorite class to do homework for.

I'm quite surprised that my Classics 430 class hasn't been as interesting as I had hoped. It's all about the archaeology of Troy, and it's taught by Professor Aylward who visits the site regularly, yet it's just not what I had imagined. Long readings about Schliemann and Kara Tepe have made it hard to remain interested. I feel like I have to take it, however, since it counts as an upper-level course toward my Classical Humanities degree AND Archaeology Certificate.

Archaeology has been fun. The last lecture was kind of dry since it was simply about "science vs pseudoscience," but the topic of archaeology really interests me, so it's easy to stay interested.

The guys in the apartment above me are playing Halo. I can hear the music from the startup screen.

Finally, Biological Anthropology. All I can say is that the professor is dynamic, and we haven't learned a shred of biology yet. I'm not particularly excited about this class but I need it for my Anthropology major.

On a completely different note, I signed up to help with the PBS phone bank on Sunday from 8:30am - 12:30pm. Basically, it's just taking credit card information from elderly people. It won't be bad, and secretly, I am a huge fan of public television. But don't tell.

Speaking of local channels, I think I have to go buy an antenna for my tv. Apparently plugging the cable from the tv into the wall is not sufficient enough to make the channels accessible. Whatev. At least we're not paying for cable. Since I'm paying more rent this year than last, the last thing I would have wanted would have been paying 1/4 of a $120 cable bill. Ridic.
That's about it for now. I've been doing an excellent job of keeping myself busy.