Saturday, April 4, 2009

April - here comes the rain?

I cannot believe that it is about to snow again. I thought that we were always told to expect showers, which would eventually bring flowers. I guess not.

On April 1st I managed to find a houseplant that suitably replaces my long-dead banana plant. I don't actually mean to say that my plant produced bananas, but rather, its leaves were long and spotted with yellow. It was a Croton, and on my most recent trip to Sentry I managed to find a similar Croton. So I bought it and repotted it yesterday with glee.

The first picture on the left is a perfect example of my "banana plant" which I had to finally get the strength to throw away (it died sometime during Thanksgiving Break because I didn't water it before I left). The second on the left is a decent example of my new plant, but the rich, colorful lines in the picture are unlike the bright, unmistakable mottled leaves on mine. Like I told Beth, it was an April Fool's Day miracle that I found a plant that was similar to my banana plant. I also found out that these are some of the most difficult houseplants to maintain....we'll see how long this one lasts!

Yesterday I took myself to a movie at Market Square. Katie and Trent went there earlier this week and mentioned that it was cheap - and it was! It was only $3 to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I wish I would have read the book since the story was captivating. I loved it. I can't help but find myself looking for stories that will have such a profound effect on me as this movie did. Here is what is in my shopping cart: A Separate Peace (John Knowles), The Wedding (Nicholas Sparks), and A Thousand Splendid Suns (Khaled Hosseini).

I am behind on keeping up with John Grisham, since I have spent the last few years catching up on books I have always meant to read. In case you were previously unaware, I have been trying my best to keep an updated list of every book I have ever read. To date, I have 208 books on the list. I have tried to think back and remember the books I read when I was younger, an some of them are on this list too. One day, I hope to read The Count of Monte Cristo, which is still one of the best movies I have ever seen.

A while back, my mom's coworker mentioned the website I kind of forgot about it, but took the quiz today. I never do these things or take them seriously, but this one was freakishly accurate. Oh how I love to procrastinate! It is so much better than writing an Italian paper! Here were the results:

Your Existing Situation

"Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities. Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."

Your Stress Sources

"Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far, and doesn't want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

"Current situation makes her feel unable to prove herself, but tries to make the best of things."

"Insists her hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. Her self-centeredness can cause her to take things too personally."

Your Desired Objective

"Highly optimistic and outgoing personality. Loves to learn new and exciting things, and craves new interests. Looking for a well-rounded life full of success and new experiences. Does not allow herself to be overcome with negative thoughts or self-doubt. Takes life head on, with enthusiasm. "

Your Actual Problem

Is afraid she will be held back from obtaining the things she wants leading her to act out with a hectic intensity.

Your Actual Problem #2

"Fights resistance or limitations, and insists she is free to develop in her own way. Rewarded by accomplishing things on her own, with little to no help from others."

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