Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Exams, impending Spring Break, and a romance novel

That is what my life this week consists of. I am trying very hard to stop compulsively check my email and facebook in hopes that something new has changed, though the thought of this looming research paper is weighing down on me. I secretly enjoy writing papers, and always have, which is why I think I ended up on the humanities rather than the science side of college. I have a hard time beginning a lengthy paper because once it is started, I know that it won't be long (relatively) until it is over and I am without another paper ahead of me. On the other hand, for my cultural anthropology class I am required to study a cultural scene and write a huge paper for it, and I'm really excited to write that one. I chose to go to a Games Workshop type of place, but the one here in Madison has a variety of hobbies to pick up - I will primarily be studying those who play Dungeons and Dragons in the store. I will have to go back a couple of times, which is fine since I do have a car here. It's also nice not having to go to a random person's home to observe (some people in the course are studying people in situations that are just as intimate). My professor told me that I should consider picking up the hobby or at least learning the rules so that I can better observe. I told him that I would, tongue in cheek.

Here's the answer to the question most often heard on campus this week: Nothing. I am doing nothing for spring break. I am actually coming back to Madison early in order that I may work Thursday and possibly Friday for Jenny, who is the assistant property manager. At the least I will work one eight hour day, which will be nice. Though actually doing something for break, for once, would be nicer.

Sometimes I feel like the Latin I have learned has caused me to be even more critical of my own grammar, and sometimes leads to uncommon, though grammatically correct, sentences. I appologize if at any point my blog becomes unitelligable and causes major headaches. I cannot recall the last time I said "I forgot" as a response. Rather, I catch myself explaining that "it escaped me." O tempus fugit!

I have been reading before bed nearly every night, which is a nice return to the days when I was not so overwhelmed with schoolwork. I finished The Ghost (Danielle Steel) a while back and was hoping to pick up another historical fiction. I browsed and browsed and picked up and put down dozens of books until I finally found The Mistress Diaries (Julianne MacLean). I have read a fair amount of Danielle Steel - Wings, Lone Eagle, The House and most recently, The Ghost, but was very disappointed that the last two listed were very alike (same main character name, age, and appeal). I've read everything of John Grisham's work but for The Street Lawyer, The Appeal, and The Associate, though I tire of his works too. That's why I picked out a book and judged it by its cover, and picked an author with whom I am unfamiliar. So far this book is amazing, and I may consider reading more of her books.

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